Ian Blair
A politically-corrected w*nker.
He is the highest-ranking police officer in the UK.
PC W*nkers In Blue
Crime Crackdown Is Useless New
laws to tackle gun and knife crime brought in early after a spate of
violent crimes will not work, a senior police representative
Alan Gordon told the BBC some people had a "scant regard" for
human life which would not be combated by the Violent Crime Reduction
"People that seem to have such a scant regard for human life, I
don't think are going to be dissuaded in their actions by new
But something that would make a difference is bringing the law
to bear on people like those greedy scumbags who sell the
disgusting knife-block that promotes the view that stabbing men is funny!
Unfortunately, however, those politically-corrected W*NKERS who currently
masquerade as our most senior police officers are too effing stupid and too
lily-livered to even contemplate such action.
The very fact that this knife block can be on sale openly in the UK and that
it can be advertised with the statement that, "All Men Are B*stards,"
sends out a number of messages to the public; particularly to the less
intelligent and the more aggressive members of it - i.e. the knuckle-headed
Neanderthals; of which there seem to be so many these days.
the stabbing of a man is not to be taken seriously at
The very display of this knife block in a public arena sends out the message that it is
perfectly acceptable to promote
violence against men by depicting the stabbing of a man on a household utensil in a humorous way.
The implication of this humour is that the stabbing of a man is not to be taken
seriously at all. On the contrary, it is something to laugh about.
The fact that the means to carry out an actual stabbing - i.e. the knives -
form an integral part of the knife block sends out the message that, when it
comes to stabbing men, even malicious humour that is infused with menace and which
is associated with a real threat - i.e. the knives - is perfectly acceptable in
the UK today.
The fact that it is acceptable even to advertise this knife-block sends out
the message that
the government and the police must find it acceptable to make fun of men being stabbed.
And if the government and the police find such a thing acceptable then this
endorses the view amongst ordinary people that it is perfectly legitimate to find the act of
stabbing men humorous.
And the fact that these knife blocks - and the way in which they are advertised -
would be illegal if they depicted women, children, blacks, gays, Jews, etc.,
tells us, unequivocally, that the police and the government are well aware that
these knife blocks are likely to increase the incidence of violence against those whom
they depict.
And so, for example, it would be illegal in the UK to sell or to advertise a knife block such as this
one ...

Some Women Are Bitches
And so the fact that the police and the government
are well aware that these knife blocks are likely to promote
violence coupled with the fact that they will not do anything
about them when their target is men, clearly tells us that the police and the government
are completely
unconcerned about violence against men.
Violence against men is fine. Violence against any other group is not.
Indeed, Ian Blair and most of his other senior officers will send out vanloads of
police officers to investigate even the most innocuous of imagined sleights
against 'minority' groups and they will readily prosecute anyone who causes
'offence' to these groups or who does something that incites violence against
them, but when it comes to promoting the idea that the
stabbing of men is funny, they are nowhere to be seen. They do not want to know.
These politically-corrected w*nkers in blue are either too stupid to
recognise that they are endorsing a culture of violence by refusing to act
against those who blatantly promote serious violence against men
or it is simply the case that they actually want to promote such violence;
perhaps in order to justify their ever-growing empires.
And my guess is the the latter might well be nearer to the truth.
Why? Because these politically-corrected w*nkers who are our senior police
officers clearly recognise that the sale and advertising of this knife block
would likely promote violence against all other groups that could
be depicted by such a product, and there can be no legitimate reason
whatsoever for them to
believe that this is not the case when the target of this knife block is 'men'.
Alan Gordon is right - as is David Cameron. Unless we change this cultural
attitude towards violence - particularly violence that is directed against men
- we have no hope of reducing the amount of violence in our society.
violence against men is one of the biggest problems ...
right across the planet.
Indeed, violence against men is one of the biggest problems that we face. It
is an enormous problem
- right across the planet. And it is a far, far greater problem than
is, say, violence against women. But those politically-corrected w*nkers in blue seem
very unwilling to address this rather obvious fact.
Indeed, when it comes to
violence against women, senior police officers and politicians seem forever to be worrying about
this decidedly lesser problem - and they even create huge exaggerated ongoing publicity campaigns about
it - but when it comes to violence against men, nothing.
Perhaps they should get the rank-and-file police officers on the ground to
tell them which group of people suffers the most from violence.
It isn't blacks. It isn't Jews. It isn't gays. And it certainly isn't women.
It's men.